General Assembly official records, 49th session : 92nd meeting, Monday, 19 December 1994, New York.
TitleGeneral Assembly official records, 49th session : 92nd meeting, Monday, 19 December 1994, New York.
AccessEnglish: A_49_PV.92-EN - PDF ; Español: A_49_PV.92-ES - PDF ; Français: A_49_PV.92-FR - PDF ; Русский: A_49_PV.92-RU - PDF ; العربية: A_49_PV.92-AR - PDF ; 中文: A_49_PV.92-ZH - PDF ;
Call number
Action note1994-12-19
Agenda information
A/49/251 160 United Nations Fund for Namibia: scholarship programme for Namibian students. UN FUND FOR NAMIBIA
A/49/251 87a Implementation of the commitments and policies agreed upon in the Declaration on International Economic Cooperation, in particular the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries. ECONOMIC GROWTH--INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION
A/49/251 87b Implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Fourth United Nations Development Decade. DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES
A/49/251 87d Net transfer of resources between developing and developed countries. REVERSE TRANSFER OF RESOURCES
A/49/251 87c External debt crisis and development. EXTERNAL DEBT
A/49/251 88 Sustainable development and international economic cooperation. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT--ECONOMIC COOPERATION
A/49/251 88a Trade and development. INTERNATIONAL TRADE
A/49/251 88b Food and agricultural development. AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT
A/49/251 88c Commodities. COMMODITIES
A/49/251 88d Cultural development. CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT
A/49/251 88e Integration of the economies in transition into the world economy. ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION
A/49/251 88f Industrial development cooperation. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT
A/49/251 88g United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II). HUMAN SETTLEMENTS--CONFERENCES
A/49/251 88h International cooperation for the eradication of poverty in developing countries. POVERTY
A/49/251 88i United Nations initiative in opportunity and participation. ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION
A/49/251 89 Environment and sustainable development. ENVIRONMENT--SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
A/49/251 89b Protection of global climate for present and future generations of mankind. CLIMATE
A/49/251 89c Sustainable use and conservation of the marine living resources of the high seas : United Nations Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks. LIVING MARINE RESOURCES
A/49/251 89e Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT--SMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATES--CONFERENCES (1994 : BRIDGETOWN)
A/49/251 90 Operational activities for development. OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES--DEVELOPMENT
A/49/251 91b United Nations University. UN UNIVERSITY
A/49/251 92 Agenda for development. AGENDA FOR DEVELOPMENT
A/49/251 158 Report of the International Conference on Population and Development. POPULATION--CONFERENCES (1994 : CAIRO)
A/49/251 12 Report of the Economic and Social Council. UN. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL--REPORTS
A/49/251 42 Situation in Central America : procedures for the establishment of a firm and lasting peace and progress in fashioning a region of peace, freedom, democracy and development. CENTRAL AMERICA SITUATION
A/49/251 72 Final text of a treaty on an African nuclear-weapon-free zone. AFRICA--NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONES
A/49/251 89a Implementation of decisions and recommendations of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. ENVIRONMENT--DEVELOPMENT--CONFERENCES (1992 : RIO DE JANEIRO)
A/49/251 91a United Nations Institute for Training and Research. UNITAR--ACTIVITIES
A/49/251 87 Macroeconomic policy questions. MACROECONOMIC POLICY
A/49/251 87a Implementation of the commitments and policies agreed upon in the Declaration on International Economic Cooperation, in particular the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries. ECONOMIC GROWTH--INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION
A/49/251 87b Implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Fourth United Nations Development Decade. DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES
A/49/251 87d Net transfer of resources between developing and developed countries. REVERSE TRANSFER OF RESOURCES
A/49/251 87c External debt crisis and development. EXTERNAL DEBT
A/49/251 88 Sustainable development and international economic cooperation. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT--ECONOMIC COOPERATION
A/49/251 88a Trade and development. INTERNATIONAL TRADE
A/49/251 88b Food and agricultural development. AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT
A/49/251 88c Commodities. COMMODITIES
A/49/251 88d Cultural development. CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT
A/49/251 88e Integration of the economies in transition into the world economy. ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION
A/49/251 88f Industrial development cooperation. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT
A/49/251 88g United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II). HUMAN SETTLEMENTS--CONFERENCES
A/49/251 88h International cooperation for the eradication of poverty in developing countries. POVERTY
A/49/251 88i United Nations initiative in opportunity and participation. ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION
A/49/251 89 Environment and sustainable development. ENVIRONMENT--SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
A/49/251 89b Protection of global climate for present and future generations of mankind. CLIMATE
A/49/251 89c Sustainable use and conservation of the marine living resources of the high seas : United Nations Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks. LIVING MARINE RESOURCES
A/49/251 89e Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT--SMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATES--CONFERENCES (1994 : BRIDGETOWN)
A/49/251 90 Operational activities for development. OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES--DEVELOPMENT
A/49/251 91b United Nations University. UN UNIVERSITY
A/49/251 92 Agenda for development. AGENDA FOR DEVELOPMENT
A/49/251 158 Report of the International Conference on Population and Development. POPULATION--CONFERENCES (1994 : CAIRO)
A/49/251 12 Report of the Economic and Social Council. UN. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL--REPORTS
A/49/251 42 Situation in Central America : procedures for the establishment of a firm and lasting peace and progress in fashioning a region of peace, freedom, democracy and development. CENTRAL AMERICA SITUATION
A/49/251 72 Final text of a treaty on an African nuclear-weapon-free zone. AFRICA--NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONES
A/49/251 89a Implementation of decisions and recommendations of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. ENVIRONMENT--DEVELOPMENT--CONFERENCES (1992 : RIO DE JANEIRO)
A/49/251 91a United Nations Institute for Training and Research. UNITAR--ACTIVITIES
A/49/251 87 Macroeconomic policy questions. MACROECONOMIC POLICY
Date[New York] : UN, 1994.
33 p.