United Nations General Assembly Fourteenth Session Official Records Second Committee, 627th meeting Thursday, 19 November 1959, at 2.50 p.m. New York
TitleUnited Nations General Assembly Fourteenth Session Official Records Second Committee, 627th meeting Thursday, 19 November 1959, at 2.50 p.m. New York
AccessEnglish: A_C-2_SR-627-EN - PDF ;
Action note1959-11-19
Date[New York] : UN, 19 Nov. 1959
7 p.
Agenda items 30 and 12: Economic development of under-developed countries : (a) Report by the Secretary-General on measures taken by the Governments of Member States to further the economic development of under-developed countries in accordance with General Assembly resolution 1316 (XIII); (b) Progress in the field of financing the economic development of under-developed countries : Report of the Economic and Social Council (chapters II, III, IV and V) (A/4143, A/4143, A/4211, A/4220 and Corr.1 and Add.1 and 2, A/C.2/L.429, A/C.2/L.431 and Add.1, A/C.2/L.432, A/C.2/L.434-436, A/C.2/L.437 and Add.1, A/C.2/L.438, A/C.2/L.439 and Add.1 and 2, A/C.2/L.440 and Add.1, A/C.2/L.441, A/C.2/L.442) : General Discussion : Consideration of draft resolutions.
Organization of the Committee's work (A/C.2/L.430/Add.1).
Organization of the Committee's work (A/C.2/L.430/Add.1).
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Meeting Records
UN Bodies > General Assembly > 2nd Committee
UN Bodies > General Assembly > 2nd Committee