Resolution 948 (1994) / adopted by the Security Council at its 3437th meeting, on 15 October 1994.
TitleResolution 948 (1994) / adopted by the Security Council at its 3437th meeting, on 15 October 1994.
Other titles
Security Council resolution 948 (1994) [on restoration of democracy in Haiti, return of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and lifting of the sanctions in accordance with resolution 944 (1994)]
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Welcomes with great satisfaction the return to Haiti of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide on 15 Oct. 1994 and expresses its confidence that the people of Haiti can now begin to rebuild their country with dignity and consolidate democracy in a spirit of national reconciliation; welcomes in particular that, with the convening of the Haitian Parliament and the departure of the military leadership, the process of implementing the Governors Island Agreement, the New York Pact, and the objectives of UN as expressed in the resolutions of the Council is well under way; recognizes in particular the efforts of the Multinational Force in Haiti (MNF), authorized under resolution 940 (1994), and those of the Member States participating in the MNF on behalf of the international community in creating the conditions necessary for the return of democracy to the people of Haiti; expresses its support for the deployment of the advance team of UNMIH and the continued efforts of the Secretary-General to complete the composition of UNMIH; notes that under the terms of resolution 940 (1994) UNMIH will replace the MNF when the Security Council determines that a secure and stable environment has been established; welcomes the appointment of the new Special Representative of the Secretary-General and thanks the former Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of UN and OAS for his efforts; urges that cooperation continue between the Secretary-General of UN and OAS, especially regarding the rapid return to Haiti of the members of the International Civilian Mission (MICIVIH); welcomes the fact that, now that President Aristide has returned to Haiti, sanctions will be lifted in accordance with resolution 944 (1994).
Action note1994-10-15
Vote summary
Adopted 14-0-1, 3437th meeting
Meeting record
Agenda information
S/ X The question concerning Haiti.
S/ X The question concerning Haiti.
Date[New York] : UN, 15 Oct. 1994.
2 p.
Concerns restoration of democracy in Haiti and the return of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.