Annual Training Course on Natural Gas Rate-making in the ECE Region with an Emphasis on Economies in Transition : Modelling Elements of Market-based Natural Gas Pricing, Groningen (Netherlands), 14-19 March 1999 : note / by the Secretariat.
Detalles de los registros
TítuloAnnual Training Course on Natural Gas Rate-making in the ECE Region with an Emphasis on Economies in Transition : Modelling Elements of Market-based Natural Gas Pricing, Groningen (Netherlands), 14-19 March 1999 : note / by the Secretariat.
AccesoEnglish: ^E_ECE_^ENERGY_WP-3_GE-4_1999_4-EN - PDF ; Français: ^E_ECE_^ENERGY_WP-3_GE-4_1999_4-FR - PDF ; Русский: ^E_ECE_^ENERGY_WP-3_GE-4_1999_4-RU - PDF ;
AutoresUN. ECE. Secretariat
Nombre de la Reunión
FechaGeneva : UN, 6 Apr. 1999.
7 p.