Report of the Committee on Socio-economic Measures to Alleviate Poverty in Rural and Urban Areas on its 1st session
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Условное обозначениеE/ESCAP/1129
ЗаглавиеReport of the Committee on Socio-economic Measures to Alleviate Poverty in Rural and Urban Areas on its 1st session
ДоступEnglish: E_ESCAP_1129-EN - PDF ;
Повестка дня
E/ESCAP/L.139 6 Emerging issues and developments at the regional level.
E/ESCAP/L.139 6c Socio-economic measures to alleviate poverty in rural and urban areas.
E/ESCAP/L.139 6c Socio-economic measures to alleviate poverty in rural and urban areas.
Дата[Bangkok] : UN, 10 Mar. 1999
[2], 12 p.