Provisional summary record of the 12th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Monday, 6 July 1998 : Economic and Social Council, substantive session of 1998
TitleProvisional summary record of the 12th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Monday, 6 July 1998 : Economic and Social Council, substantive session of 1998
Action note1998-07-06
Agenda information
E/1998/100 1 Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters. UN. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (1998, SUBSTANTIVE SESS. : NEW YORK)--AGENDA
E/1998/100 2 Market access : developments since the Uruguay Round, implications, opportunities and challenges, in particular for the developing countries and the least developed among them, in the context of globalization and liberalization. MARKET ACCESS
E/1998/100 2 Market access : developments since the Uruguay Round, implications, opportunities and challenges, in particular for the developing countries and the least developed among them, in the context of globalization and liberalization. MARKET ACCESS
Date[New York] : UN, 28 May 1999
24 p.