United Nations General Assembly Sixteenth Session Official Records Secord Committee, 786th Meeting Tuesday, 12 December 1961, At 3.15 P.M. New York
TitleUnited Nations General Assembly Sixteenth Session Official Records Secord Committee, 786th Meeting Tuesday, 12 December 1961, At 3.15 P.M. New York
AccessEnglish: A_C-2_SR-786-EN - PDF ;
Action note1961-12-12
Date[New York] : UN, 12 Dec. 1961
7 p.
Agenda item 28: Economic development of under-developed countries : (e) Provision of food surpluses to food-deficient peoples through the United Nations system (A/4820 and Corr.2, chapter II, section III; A/4907 and Add.1 and Add.1/Corr.1 and Add.2, E/3509, A/C.2/L.617/Add.2, A/C.2/L.617/Rev.2).
Agenda items 12, 28, 29 and 30: Report of the Economic ond Social Council (chapters II, IV, V (sections 11-V), VI (paragraph 489) and VIII (paragraphs 650 and 651)) (A/4820 and Corr.2, A/4911) : Economic development of under-developed countries (A/4820 and Corr.2) : (a) Industrial development and activities of the organs of the United Nations in the field of industrialization; (b) Establishment of a United Nations capital development fund : report of the Committee established by General Assembly resolution 1521 (XV) (A/4878, E/3514, E/AC.6/SR.305-309); (c) Accelerated flow of capital and technical assistance to the developing countries : report of the Secretary-General (A/4906, E/3556); (d) Land reform : interim report of the Secretary-General (A/4850) : Questions relating to international trade and commodities (A/ 4820 and Corr.2, E/3452/Rev.1, E/3466, E/ 3468, E/3486, E/3497) : (a) Strengthening and development of the world market and improvement of the trade conditions of the economically less developed countries : report of the Economic and Social Council (A/4885, E/3519, E/ 3520 and Add.1, E/3530); (b) Improvement of the terms of trade between the industrial and the under-developed countries : report of the Economic and Social Council : Questions relating to science and technology (A/4820 and Corr.2) : (a) Development of scientific and technical co-operation and exchange of experience: report of the Secretary-General (A/4904, E/3515); (b) Main trends of inquiry in the natural sciences, dissemination of scientific knowledge and application of such knowledge for peaceful ends : report of the Economic and Social Council (A/4898) : Consideration of draft resolutions.
Agenda items 12, 28, 29 and 30: Report of the Economic ond Social Council (chapters II, IV, V (sections 11-V), VI (paragraph 489) and VIII (paragraphs 650 and 651)) (A/4820 and Corr.2, A/4911) : Economic development of under-developed countries (A/4820 and Corr.2) : (a) Industrial development and activities of the organs of the United Nations in the field of industrialization; (b) Establishment of a United Nations capital development fund : report of the Committee established by General Assembly resolution 1521 (XV) (A/4878, E/3514, E/AC.6/SR.305-309); (c) Accelerated flow of capital and technical assistance to the developing countries : report of the Secretary-General (A/4906, E/3556); (d) Land reform : interim report of the Secretary-General (A/4850) : Questions relating to international trade and commodities (A/ 4820 and Corr.2, E/3452/Rev.1, E/3466, E/ 3468, E/3486, E/3497) : (a) Strengthening and development of the world market and improvement of the trade conditions of the economically less developed countries : report of the Economic and Social Council (A/4885, E/3519, E/ 3520 and Add.1, E/3530); (b) Improvement of the terms of trade between the industrial and the under-developed countries : report of the Economic and Social Council : Questions relating to science and technology (A/4820 and Corr.2) : (a) Development of scientific and technical co-operation and exchange of experience: report of the Secretary-General (A/4904, E/3515); (b) Main trends of inquiry in the natural sciences, dissemination of scientific knowledge and application of such knowledge for peaceful ends : report of the Economic and Social Council (A/4898) : Consideration of draft resolutions.
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Meeting Records
UN Bodies > General Assembly > 2nd Committee
UN Bodies > General Assembly > 2nd Committee