General Assembly, 10th session, official records, 1st Committee, 777th meeting, Wednesday, 02 November, 1955, New York
Notice détaillée
TitreGeneral Assembly, 10th session, official records, 1st Committee, 777th meeting, Wednesday, 02 November, 1955, New York
AccèsEnglish: A_C-1_SR-777-EN - PDF ;
Notes sur l'événement1955-11-02
Date[New York] : UN, 02 Nov. 1955
4 p.
Agenda item 59: Effects of atomic radiation (A/2931, A/2949 and Add.1, A/C.1/L.138, A/C.1/L.139, A/C.1/L.140): (a) Co-ordination of information relating to the effects of atomic radiation upon human health and safety; (b) Dissemination of information on the effects of atomic radiation and on the effects of experimental explosions of thermo-nuclear bombs.