Requirements applicable to the electrical equipment of vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods according to marginal 10 251 and Annex B.2 of ADR : report on the meeting of the Informal Working Group held in Bonn on 18 and 19 November 1991 / transmitted by the Government of Germany.
TitleRequirements applicable to the electrical equipment of vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods according to marginal 10 251 and Annex B.2 of ADR : report on the meeting of the Informal Working Group held in Bonn on 18 and 19 November 1991 / transmitted by the Government of Germany.
UN. ECE. Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. ADR Informal Working Group (1991 : Bonn, Germany)
UN. ECE. Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. ADR Informal Working Group (1991 : Bonn, Germany)
DateGeneva : UN, 3 Mar. 1992.
5 p.