Implementation of the International Plan of Action on Ageing and related activities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly.
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TítuloImplementation of the International Plan of Action on Ageing and related activities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly.
AccesoEnglish: A_RES_46_91-EN - PDF ; Español: A_RES_46_91-ES - PDF ; Français: A_RES_46_91-FR - PDF ; Русский: A_RES_46_91-RU - PDF ; العربية: A_RES_46_91-AR - PDF ; 中文: A_RES_46_91-ZH - PDF ;
Recommends that UN define targets on ageing to provide a pragmatic focus for the broad and ideal goals of the International Plan of Action on Ageing, and issue them as "Targets on ageing: programme recommendations at the national level for the year 2001"; decides to devote 4 plenary meetings at its 47th session to an international conference on ageing to consolidate a set of targets on ageing for the year 2001 and to celebrate on an appropriate global scale the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the International Plan of Action on Ageing; requests the Secretary-General to designate the Director-General of the UN Office at Vienna as coordinator for the preparations for the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the International Plan of Action on Ageing and for the implementation of the action programme on ageing for 1992 and beyond; invites UN to examine the feasibility of launching a service composed of experts who are elderly, modelled on the UN Volunteers; urges the UN Postal Administration to issue a stamp to mark the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the International Plan of Action on Ageing and to consider, on an exceptional basis, issuing a medal on ageing bearing the emblem of the World Assembly on Ageing to mark activities planned for the decade 1992-2001; decides to launch a global information campaign on the action programme on ageing for 1992 and beyond; adopts the UN Principles for Older Persons, based on the International Plan of Action on Ageing, annexed to the present resolution.
Nota sobre el evento1991-12-16
Resúmen de la votación
Adopted without vote, 74th meeting
Acta de la sesión
Información del programaA/46/251 94a[3] AGEING PERSONS
UN Principles for Older Persons (1991)
Fecha[New York] : UN, 18 Mar. 1992.
5 p.
Adopted at the 74th plenary meeting, 16 Dec. 1991.
"Annex: United Nations principles for Older Persons".
"Annex: United Nations principles for Older Persons".