Final record of the 605th plenary meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 4 September 1991 : Conference on Disarmament.
Detalles de los registros
TítuloFinal record of the 605th plenary meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 4 September 1991 : Conference on Disarmament.
AccesoEnglish: CD_PV.605-EN - PDF ; Español: CD_PV.605-ES - PDF ; Français: CD_PV.605-FR - PDF ; Русский: CD_PV.605-RU - PDF ; العربية: CD_PV.605-AR - PDF ; 中文: CD_PV.605-ZH - PDF ;
FechaGeneva : UN, 4 Sept. 1991.
24 p.
ColeccionesTipo de recurso > Documentos y publicaciones > Actas de las sesiones