Work of the Commission since the 42nd session : Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific : note : corrigendum / by the Secretariat.
TitleWork of the Commission since the 42nd session : Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific : note : corrigendum / by the Secretariat.
Agenda information
E/ESCAP/L.104/Rev.2 4 Policies and perspectives for the economic and social development of the ESCAP region.
E/ESCAP/L.104/Rev.2 4b Review of the development of the ESCAP region and the work of the Commission.
E/ESCAP/L.104/Rev.2 4b Review of the development of the ESCAP region and the work of the Commission.
Date[Bangkok] : UN, 21 Apr. 1987.
[1] p.
Corrects text.