Structure and organization of Agenda 21 : draft decision / proposed by the Chairman on the basis of informal consultations held on A/CONF.151/PC/L.39/Rev.1.
TitleStructure and organization of Agenda 21 : draft decision / proposed by the Chairman on the basis of informal consultations held on A/CONF.151/PC/L.39/Rev.1.
AuthorsUN. Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. Chair
Agenda information
A/CONF.151/PC/39 2 Preparations for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development on the basis of General Assembly resolution 44/228 and taking into account other relevant General Assembly resolutions.
A/CONF.151/PC/39 2a Activities of the Conference secretariat.
A/CONF.151/PC/39 2a Activities of the Conference secretariat.
DateGeneva : UN, 4 Sept. 1991.
4 p.