General Assembly, 15th Session, 2nd Committee, 675th Meeting, Friday, 11 November 1960
TitleGeneral Assembly, 15th Session, 2nd Committee, 675th Meeting, Friday, 11 November 1960
AccessEnglish: A_C-2_SR-675-EN - PDF ;
Action note1960-11-11
Date[New York] :[...]
3 p.
Agenda items 12, 29 and 74: Report of the Economic and Social Council (chapters II (sections I, II and III A, except paragraphs 189-198), III, IV and VII (section I and paragraph 645)) (A/4415) : Economic development of under-developed countries : (a) International flow of private capital : report of the Secretary-General and recommendations thereon by the Economic and Social Council (A/4487, E/3325 and Corr.1-3); (b) Question of the establishment of a United Nations capital development fund : report of the Secretary-General (A/4488, E/3393, E/3393/Add.1-4); (c) Methods and techniques for carrying out a study of world economic development : report of the Secretary-General and comments thereon by the Economic and Social Council (A/4489 and Add.1, E/3379, E/3379/Add.1-7); (d) Promotion of wider trade co-operation among States : report of the Secretary-General (A/4490, E/3389) : Land reform (A/4439) : Consideration of draft resolutions.
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Meeting Records
UN Bodies > General Assembly > 2nd Committee
UN Bodies > General Assembly > 2nd Committee