Importance of the improvement of the status and role of women in education and in the economic and social fields for the achievement of the equality of women with men.
TitleImportance of the improvement of the status and role of women in education and in the economic and social fields for the achievement of the equality of women with men.
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Call number
Action note1979-12-17
DateNew York : UN, 30 Jan. 1980.
2 p.
Adopted at the 105th plenary meeting, 17 Dec. 1979.
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 34th session, 18 September 1979-7 January 1980. - A/34/46. - 1980. - p. 182. - (GAOR, 34th sess., Suppl. 46).
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 34th session, 18 September 1979-7 January 1980. - A/34/46. - 1980. - p. 182. - (GAOR, 34th sess., Suppl. 46).