Developing human resources for development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly.
TitleDeveloping human resources for development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly.
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Takes note with appreciation of the human-centred approach to the development process set out in the Human Development Report 1990, sponsored by UNDP, invites Governments to give due consideration to the ideas and recommendations contained therein, and invites the organs, organizations and bodies of the United Nations system to do likewise, bearing in mind the work envisaged in the report; stresses the need for increased emphasis on cooperation in education programmes, including distance education programmes, in order to accelerate human resources development in developing countries; emphasizes also the critical importance of qualified national personnel in national capacity-building, and calls upon the international community to pay greater attention to the serious problem of the brain drain from developing countries; stresses that the search for solutions to the problems of the most vulnerable population groups in developing countries should constitute an integral part of human resources development strategies; stresses the vital importance of cooperation between the public and private sectors in human resources development, particularly through the effective implementation of policies, plans and programmes for economic development and the optimal use of resources to that end; calls upon the international community, including the multilateral financial and development institutions, to support the efforts of developing countries in human resources development, in accordance with their national priorities and plans, through, inter alia, operational activities of the UN system.
Action note1990-12-21
Vote summary
Adopted without vote, 71st meeting
Meeting record
Agenda information
A/45/251 79 Development and international economic co-operation. ECONOMIC COOPERATION--DEVELOPMENT
Date[New York] : UN, 11 Mar. 1991.
5 p.
Adopted at the 71st plenary meeting, 21 Dec. 1990.
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 45th session, Volume 1, 18 September-21 December 1990. - A/45/49. - 1991. - p. 118-120. - (GAOR, 45th sess., Suppl. no. 49).
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 45th session, Volume 1, 18 September-21 December 1990. - A/45/49. - 1991. - p. 118-120. - (GAOR, 45th sess., Suppl. no. 49).