Expert study of the various consequences of the militarization of outer space : draft resolution / Poland.
Полное описание
Условное обозначениеA/C.1/40/L.45
ЗаглавиеExpert study of the various consequences of the militarization of outer space : draft resolution / Poland.
Повестка дня
A/40/251 145 International co-operation in the peaceful exploitation of outer space under conditions of its non-militarization. OUTER SPACE--MILITARY ACTIVITY
A/40/251 57 Prevention of an arms race in outer space. OUTER SPACE--ARMS RACE
A/40/251 57 Prevention of an arms race in outer space. OUTER SPACE--ARMS RACE
Дата[New York] : UN, 7 Nov. 1985.
2 p.