State of signatures and ratifications of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 concerning the respect for human rights in armed conflicts.
Полное описание
Условное обозначениеA/RES/34/51
ЗаглавиеState of signatures and ratifications of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 concerning the respect for human rights in armed conflicts.
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ДоступEnglish: A_RES_34_51-EN - PDF ; Español: A_RES_34_51-ES - PDF ; Français: A_RES_34_51-FR - PDF ; Русский: A_RES_34_51-RU - PDF ; العربية: A_RES_34_51-AR - PDF ; 中文: A_RES_34_51-ZH - PDF ;
Примечание о мероприятии1979-11-21
ДатаNew York : UN, 7 Dec. 1979.
2 p.
Adopted at the 76th plenary meeting, 23 Nov. 1979.
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 34th session, 18 September 1979-7 January 1980. - A/34/46. - 1980. - p. 240-241. - (GAOR, 34th sess., Suppl. 46).
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 34th session, 18 September 1979-7 January 1980. - A/34/46. - 1980. - p. 240-241. - (GAOR, 34th sess., Suppl. 46).